What you seek is seeking You

Recently I had the privilege of attending a rather curious workshop. But before I dive too deeply into the specifics, let me first preface it by saying that this year I vowed to make it a year of “Yes.”

Yes to being open to opportunities. Yes to not asking too many questions. Yes to abundance. And most importantly, YES to the creativity of the Universe.

With that being said, when my friend Claudina mentioned an upcoming workshop that would “shed light on so much” I was down! She didn’t get into too many details of what I should expect, and nor did I inquire. There was an unusual feeling deep inside me that all would be revealed in due time. An instinctive trust.

So I leaned back and the workshop date soon approached.

Our guide for the session was a wonderful intuitive by the name of Mitra. She welcomed the large group gathered via zoom and began sharing overall themes of last year’s Tiger Year transitioning into the new 2023 Year of the Rabbit. You could tell she was well researched in Chinese Astrology but, more than that, deeply rooted into a universal connection. A 6th sense that allows her to highlight overall energies for welcoming awareness, abundance, and channeling harmony.

Since 2022 was a powerful year full of tiger energy, the transition in December proved intense for many. A shift from extreme to a more centered focus; slowing down from the doing, creating, hunting and moving into self reflection, softening, and quiet internal growth. The year of the Rabbit holds more passive energy, yin energy. Full of meditative qualities and self discovery. Getting quiet to hear the whispers of your soul. You true life’s purpose lives just below the surface, but in order to connect with it, one most turn inwards and get quiet.

Rumi says “What you seek is seeking you.”

And this workshop highlighted that there are times to build and extend ones self with the doing, but there’s also a need to balance in the slowing down, listening, reading, learning, and self growth to uncover truths. To allow space to flourish in our joys and being, and to bring to the surface what we’re actually seeking. Or perhaps more than that, just allowing time for it to seek us. If we’re too busy in the doing we sometimes miss the clues.

Some final thoughts I’d like to share from the Year of the Rabbit workshop:

  1. Rest from the last 3 years, and prepare for the next 2. The year of the Dragon will arrive 2024, so take this time to meditate in your own self discovery then plant your seeds for success.

  2. Resist the tendency to jump from one thing to another. Focus on 2 big goals for Jan-June, then 2 big goals from July-Dec. Let go of unnecessary distractions.

  3. Don’t be impulsive, get wise council. You know those people in your life that you trust and respect? They are your counsel. Seek their insights, but trust your own instincts for your life happenings.

  4. Spend time in Nature, near water. Find your sacred spots, those areas that create spaciousness in your heart and mind.

  5. Lean into learning. Read, hold deep discussions, seek knowledge, and grow your mind this year.

Here’s hoping this creates as much ease in your soul as it has in mine. You’ve already arrived. You’re doing the things. Now, allow yourself to honor the energies of this year so you can continue to flourish in your soul’s purpose.

Good luck! (And rest easy b/c the Rabbit is VERY lucky!)

ps…If you’d like to experience Mitra for yourself: Mitra is an intuitive, teacher, author and singer/songstress who has dedicated her life's work to creating an energy of healing and nurture through Spirit.

 For more information about Mitra, visit her website at www.voiceofmitra.com